Darius Varnas

Darius Varnas

Ukmergė District Municipality Mayor Darius Varnas







ŽŪB Egvila

Gastro Pub


Taujėnų dvaras


Jazz Academy




Year 2014

In the year 2014 festival presented to the audience renewed and varied. The patron of festival has become Ukmerge District Honorary citizen, diplomat Vygaudas Usackas

Renewed festival organizers – Ukmerge cultural center, to be the artistic director of the festival invited the previous festival participants from Latvia Edgars Saksons. This performer is known Latvian National Symphony Orchestra concertmaster percussion group, Latvian Academy of Music professor, in accordance with the percussion class. Edgars Saksons for 22 years worked in the opera, in various parts of the world gived solo concerts with various orchestras and played chamber music.

In festival, whose concerts conduct musicologist Darius Užkuraitis start preparing thematic concerts. The first, on March 8th concert was given to women. It was called “Ladies for Ladies”. It played the female team – three young girls from Latvia, the members of the group “Art-I-Shock”. Following them was a percussionist from France Sylvie Reynaert.

March 9th in concert shows French and Lithuanian stars. On that day, played the famous star of the Festival – composer and singer Emmanuel Sejourne from France. Along with it played Sylvie Reynaert. After, for audience appeared Lithuanian already very well known Pavel Günther team.

On the last day of the festival audience heard the group “Auli“ from Latvia. The first pieces of the group, members played in the city center on March 11 during the commemoration. Later – in the evening part. In the evening part played and Swedish group „Groupa“, after distinctively modern Swedish folk music.

Year 2013

The Festival began with the verses and music. The project “Poetic rap” performed by Arkady Gotesman and reader Rolandas Rastauskas. Part II – the duo from Germany “Piano meets Vibes”. On the second day of the Festival, the scene was dedicated to the guests from Poland, Jan Pilch and percussion Ensemble “Amadrums” and for Giunter Percussion, Lithuanian (Pavel Giunter.)

11th of March near the freedom monument, played percussion instruments and ensembles, music schools contest winners. The evenning concert sounded Traditional rhythms and songs from West Africa. Your program has performed West African drum ensemble at the school. In the second part, Emmanuel Sejuorne ‘ Book of Gems “performed by the Vilnius teachers ‘ House, a mixed chorus of” Bel Canto “( Arturas Dambrauskas), soloists Almantas Puidokas and Saulius Auglys. African songs “Hamba Lulu” – performed by the choir Bel Canto and ensemble of Vilnius “percussion”.

Year 2012

(main festival organizer VšĮ „Perkusijos festivaliai“)

This year, the Festival began in an unusually-Professor from Poland Piotr Sutt performed along with handicapped children from the “morning” school. To prepare for the concert the Professor had just one day. However, the concert toured successfully for the disabled and handicapped children.

On the second day of sounding world music percussion instruments. The first part of the concert played by Piotr Sutt and Saulius Auglys-Stanevičius. The second part of the concert the audience changed to Mexico-played from this distant country comes to Javier Nandaypa and the Festival Chamber Orchestra (Aleksandras Simelis). On March 10, in a cultural center in the first part, the concert was organized by Igor Lesnik from Croatia, with help of LMTA percussion ensemble. In the second part, Chin Cheng Lin from Taiwan.

The last day of the Festival-a traditional concert in Kesturis squire. Vladas Slaitas public library organized by Andrius Rekasius marimba musician. In the evening, in the center of culture “Passion” or songs and voice for marimba. Sang the lead singer from Belgium Katrine Druyts, marimba played Ludwig Albert (Belgium), and Chin Cheng Lin (Taiwan). In the second half of the concert hall in Mexican music sounded. Concert of Javier Nandaypa and Chiapa marimba Ensemble “Nandaypa Zeferino.”

Year 2011

The Festival this year began with poetry and music evening “Nusiliesk, dangau, ant zemes” in which played Kazys Stonkus, queues were Rolandas Kazlas. March 11 in Vladas Slaitas public library serving Italian Claudio Santangelo.

The opening concert of the winners of the international contest, the percussion instruments played. The evening turned out to be percussion and the Riga music ensemble “Meeting Point”. March 12-th scene reigned Jazz: played by Heinz von Moisy from German, Lithuanian, Danish, and Finnish joint performers Quartet “Mockūnas-Anderskov quartet”. On the last day of the Festival, the audience gave the international Quartet and marimba percussionist from Belgium Ludwig Albert. In the second part-“Vein trio” from Switzerland.

On the second day of the Festival, March 12-th – in the art school students toured the various country schools for children. On March 13th concert took place for the whole family. Children and adults to play percussion instruments taught Gediminas Laurinavicius and Balio Dvariono music school students.

Year 2010

The Festival in the year 2010 from the cultural center has expanded into other areas. The concerts took place in Vladas Slaitas public library ( concert of Rihards Zalupe and Raimonds Petrauskis), at the school of music („Drum&Bum“ ), at St. The Apostles Peter and Paul Church (Chamber Music Virtuos of Belarus).

The first day of the Festival at the cultural center in the Western world music masterpiece sounded Carl Orff’s Cantata ” Carmina burana “. It has performed opera soloists and percussion ensemble percussion instruments “Grig” from Belarus, Vilnius Pedagogical University Choir “Ave vita (Kastytis Barysas) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Choir “Gabija” ( Rasa Viskantaite). Project Art Director and conductor Laurynas Vakaris Lopas.

The Festival’s closing concert performed yet another masterpiece of world music St. Peter’s Church, Vilnius City municipality Christopher Chamber Orchestra (Donatas Katkus) and LNSO the percussion instruments the Group proceeded to R. Ščedrino “Carmen-suita” ( Saulius Auglys). In the first concert played percussion instruments ensemble LMTA (Saulius Auglys).

Year 2009

This year the Festival was shorter. March 10 in the school of music played in the winners of the III international Jonas Talocka contest winners – Vilnius children’s percussion ensemble “Bildukai” (Arvydas Vainius) and Šiauliai 2nd music school students ensemble (Aurimas Povilaitis). Three days before this concert for children competed in the contest.

In the evening, a professor from the Polish Stanislaw Skoczynski poem percussion “Christ’s way” was sung in an unusual space in St. The Apostles Peter and Paul Church. Helped by the priest of Ukmergė Dean Gintaras Kabasinskas. On March 11th the “Lituania Restituta” monument, the international percussion in the Orchestra program (Tomas Kulikauskas). The Western concert turned out to be “Grig percussion ensemble” (Belarus), Saulius Auglys and a group of “Giunter Percussion“(Pavel Giunter.)

Year 2008

The Festival’s concerts began March 8, Saulius Auglys and Kaunas Symphony Orchestra (Chief conductor Modestas Pitrėnas) concert. The next day the concert marimba played by Satoko Aoki (Japan). In the second half of the concert is a part of the instrumental constellation, with Modestas Musorgskis “Show pictures”. March 11 in the cultural center of the stage percussion music lovers had seen who had played already in Ukmerge Jeffrey Moore and Kirk Gay and UCF percussion ensemble (US).

Festival’s concerts took place not only in the cultural center scene. A fun concert – a project for the whole family, during which viewers were taught to play drums, hosted by Gediminas Laurinavicius.In the School of music, played by Jonas Talocka II contest winner Tomasz Arnold (Poland), in the center of the city on March 11 held a concert a UCF percussion ensemble (US).

The Festival concerts are also held in Palanga, Siauliai, Kaunas, Klaipeda.

Year 2007

In that year the Festival began on March 1, in the Town Hall of Vilnius City, St. Christofor Orchestra, with conductor Donatas Katkus, and soloists-Robertas Beinaris (Oboe), Vytenis Ginknius (flute), Saulius Auglys (marimba) concert. This concert was repeated on 3 March in Ukmerge. In the second part of the concert played percussion ensemble, the concert class LMTA Ukmerge held March 9, this time with the students played and Regimantas Silinskas.

In Ukmergė cultural center concerts started on March 3. Within four days the viewers saw and heard the entire constellation of international artists-Michael Küttner (Germany), Asuka Hatanaka (Japan), Jeffrey Moore (USA), Grig percussion ensemble (Belarus), Pendulum percussion duo (US), Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic (Germany). One concert was attended by Tomas Kulikauskas.

Year 2006

The fifth Festival was short –took place only two days. However, its performers, and guests it was sloppy work. The first day turned out to be a significant group of Lithuanian performers in 2005, J. Talocka of the year award winner in the name of Giedrius Vidzbelis, Gediminas Mačiulskis, Tomas Dobrovolskis, ensembles-the “TABA”, and “Vilnius percussion”, and a guest from Belarus – Ignaty Matiuhov.

On the second day of the Lithuanian artist, Pavelas Giunteris modified the sounds in the AMERICAN star Linda Maxey. It is the second part of the concert helped saxophonist Danielis Praspaliauskis, violinist Martynas Svėgzda von Bekker, Ensemble “TABA” and men’s choir “Brevis”.

Year 2005

Ukmerge started preparing the Festival was already the fourth (the first was held in Vilnius, Lithuania). The festival turned out to be Lithuanian artists – a student of LMTA Gediminas Maciulskis, Saulius Auglys, Arvydas Jofė, the ensemble “TABA Percussion”. Ukmerge viewers and guests of the city has heard of Latvian artist Larisos Puzule, Belarusian Ensemble “Percussion classic “works.

Festival has attracted an extraordinary guest-Brazilian artist and composer Ney Rozauro. His concert together with the marimba the author has performed and the Lithuanian Academy of music Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Robertas Servenikas. This last concert of the Festival on the 15th day of March was repeated in Vilnius, Lithuanian music and Theatre Academy.